
In French class today, we wanted to find a French word that we could use to describe something as being fun. There were a number of words that we thought of, such as ‘sympa’, ‘délirante’, ‘divertissante’, ‘rigolo’ and ‘marrante’.

‘Amuser’ translates directly to ‘entertain’ or ‘to keep amused’. This word can be used to describe a place, such as Sydney or an event. Another word we looked at was “génial”. This word is particularly good to use as it can be used for anything; to describe a person, a place, a feeling or an object. It is, as expected, a very commonly used word in the French language.


“Porté Disparu”

“Porté Disparu” is the expression that French people use when saying that something has been reported as missing, however they are unsure if that thing still exists or not. This expression can be used when referring to people or to an object.

Un exemple de ceci serait les récents spéculations à propos de l’avion venant de Malaysien Airlines qui a été porté disparu depuis samedi dernier. Les passagers, les pilotes et membres d’équipage travaillant sur ​​le vol MH370 n’ont pas été retrouvés. Personne ne comprend ce qui s’est passé, mais le publique commencent à spéculer contre le terrorisme, tandis que d’autres croient que les étrangers (extra-terrestres) sont derrière tout cela.



The French word “incontournable” was taught to us a few lessons ago. This word means that something is inescapable, unavoidable or indispensable. This word could be used to describe clothes, music, a person, a movie, a place, etc…

Un endroit incontournable pour moi serai Paris. Depuis très petite, j’y suis aller beaucoup et je l’aime vraiment beaucoup. Il y a tellement de vie la-ba et tout le monde est si sympa. Je pourrai passer des journées dans cette cité, en explorant tous ce qu’il y a à faire.
