Our excursion to Copenhagen…

thumb_600-2As it’s our last week of French in year 11, we all went to Copenhagen as our last excursion together. For those of you who don’t know, Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark, however that isn’t the Copenhagen I’m talking about! In Australia, there is a Royal Copenhagen Ice Creamery and Dessert Bar, which is very popular. The menu ranges from savoury and sweet pancakes, to ice cream, to donuts, to crepes, to fondues and lastly, affogatos. There are also “creations”, which include banana splits, tarte tatins, meringues and brownies. Their drinks include milkshakes, thick shakes, smoothies, iced chocolates, tea, coffee and more! It really was a wonderful bonding experience and we got to stuff our faces with food at the same time!thumb_600-4

My favourite thing is the Dutch Chocolate Waffle, which is a waffle with maple syrup, milk chocolate chunks, chocolate chip ice cream and a chocolate couverture. If you were to go to Royal Copenhagen, I would definitely recommend for you to try it! There’s not only delicious food, but great service, a wonderful view and a lovely atmosphere!


Gaufres de Copenhagen

Je pense que c’est une bonne idée d’allée à Copenhagen parce-que je n’y suis jamais aller. Aussi, les gaufres ont l’air tellement bonnes et je veux vraiment en mangé avec de la glace et du chocolat, ou des fraises. Je pense que ca serait une bonne façon de finir l’année et pour que toute la classe se parle vraiment, car on ne se connait pas beaucoup. Si les Year 12’s viennent, ca serait bien de les revoir.
